Bundler Development setup

To work on Bundler, you’ll probably want to do a couple of things:

  • Fork the Rubygems repo, and clone the fork onto your machine. (Follow this tutorial for instructions on forking a repo.)

  • Install graphviz package using your package manager:

      sudo apt-get install graphviz -y

    And for OS X (with brew installed):

      brew install graphviz
  • Install development dependencies and Bundler’s test dependencies from the rubygems root directory:

      bin/rake setup spec:parallel_deps
  • Change into the bundler directory:

      cd bundler
  • Now you can run the test suite in parallel:

  • Set up a shell alias to run Bundler from your clone, e.g. a Bash alias (follow these instructions for adding aliases to your ~/.bashrc profile):

      alias dbundle='ruby /path/to/bundler/repo/spec/support/bundle.rb'

On Windows, you can add this to your PowerShell profile (you can use vim $profile on the command line if you have vim installed):

function dbundle
	& "ruby.exe" E:\[source path]\rubygems\bundler\spec\support\bundle.rb $args

It is also recommended to use Windows Terminal for a better command line experience:

windows terminal

Jointly developing on Bundler and RubyGems

When developing Bundler features or bug fixes that require changes in RubyGems, you can make sure Bundler’s test suite picks up those changes by setting the RGV environment variable to point to the root of the repository, like this:

RGV=.. bin/parallel_rspec

It’s a good idea to make sure that your changes always work against the latest RubyGems, so setting this variable permanently might be a good idea. You can use direnv for that.

The RGV environment variable can also be set to arbitrary RubyGems versions, to make sure your changes in Bundler work fine with those versions. For example,

RGV=v3.2.33 bin/parallel_rspec



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